Database Control Via Product Tags (Shopify Only)

For merchants interested in controlling Advanced Shipping Manager's variables directly from Shopify's admin instead of having to manage the CSV file - we do offer the option to push data to use via Product Tags.  As a reminder, CLICK HERE to view every variable and its functionality / formatting.

The following are important rules to remember when using Product Tags to update our database:

  1.  Product Tags are for parents items only.  That means that variants will automatically carry over the same settings from the parent’s tags.
  2.  The proper formatting is {TAG-NAME}, colon, {VALUE}. For example - "free-shipping: Yes" (with or without space after colon).
  3.  There is no need to add every ASM variable to every item, only the ones you wish to use for that specific item you are working on.   For instance, one item can use "flat-shipping-rates", and another item can use "origin-zip".  This way you can de-clutter your item’s data.
  4.  To clear the value of a variable for an item (or change it back to No if it's a Yes/No variable) - simply remove the applicable tag from the item completely.  There is no need to set it to “No” - as all Yes/No values default to "No".
  5.  The tag names are identical to the column titles from the CSV file.  Below are the default titles.  Add-on titles are the same as well:
    1. dimensions
    2. free-shipping
    3. free-ship-method
    4. ship-alone
    5. flat-ship-rates
    6. origin-zip
    7. number-of-boxes
    8. multi-box-weights
    9. multi-box-dimensions
    10. invalid-ship-methods
    11. markup
    12. global-free-ship-exclusion
    13. exclude-states
    14. exclude-countries
  6.  Product Tags are not validated – so duplicates CAN be created.  In a case of duplicate tags – our app will always use the newest created.  Please be cautious!

To enable Product Tags instead of CSV file - please click on "Settings" in ASM admin, and toggle the setting " Item-Level Variables Controlled Via" to "Shopify Product Tags".

Note: By switching to Shopify Product Tags - existing data will remain intact, but every update of an item in Shopify will overwrite existing data in the database, so if there are no Product Tags set to an item for ASM - existing data will be erased!

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